Saturday, January 10, 2009

Very Special Thanks To Don Miller

Don to the rescue!
I want to thank my very good friend Don Miller for saving the day, by over nighting me something very important, that I left at home (unfortunately it took a week for it to get to me Overnight!...Thanks UPS!!). I have a jacket liner and pants that can be plugged into my motorcycles battery power, to heat the clothing. The clothing is made by a company named Gerbing. Seems I remembered to bring the clothing, but left the controller for the pants and jacket back in the good old US of A. So, Don came to the rescue and had the item "over nighted" by UPS. Since I will be encountering temperatures in the 40's and 50's when I head to Tierra Del Fuego, I will really need this heated clothing. Thanks again, Pal!

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